fredag 19. november 2010

Subconscious reprogramming method: Repackaging of everyday products

Many products comes in packaging that are specially designed for that product, like the Coca-Cola bottle. The main intention of the bottle's form is to keep the liquid inside. The sub-intention of the bottle's form is to make a subconscious connection between the shape of the bottle and the Coca-Cola brand + logo. To break up this inner space (mental) connection between logos/brands and form, repackaging can be used as a tool.

In this example, two steps are shown. The first step is simply to remove the logo or brand name from the soap bottle. The connection soap (content)- form (context)- brand (symbol) is reduced to only soap (content) - form (context). By repackaging the soap in another bottle the original connection between product (content) and packaging design (context) has been removed completely.

As an extra bonus, the top of the Heinz ketchup bottle has a bigger hole than the original Zalo bottle, so that you are forced to consciously change the amount of pressure used for squeezing the soap out of the bottle. Your old habits are being broken up and new ones are created.

Creative Commons License
Subconscious reprogramming method: Repackaging of everyday products by Sølve N.T. Lauvås is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Norway License.

1 kommentar:

  1. I immediately recognized the "new" bottle as being Heintz ketchup (before reading that it was), so the connections hasn't just been removed, but new connections has been made.
